Saturday, December 29, 2007

Gastric System Issues for Coby...

On Friday we had to see the pediatrition again because poor Coby has been just a mess. He cried for around sixteen hours on Thursday and nothing consoled him. The quick version has us seeing a pediatric gastro specialist sometime on Monday due to microscopic blood in his bowel movements along with his other symptoms. He is not digesting the Nutramigen formula as easily as he should be so he has been switched to a new formula too.

So far we know Coby has acid reflux. He is on Prevacid, gas drops and now Pepcid as well. We had been doing Mylanta too, but with the addition of Pepcid yesterday we have stopped that. He is in pain most of the time and it is heartbreaking. Hopefully Monday we will have some sort of answer and a "solution" to the problem. Please say a little prayer for Coby that the issue is relatively simple. Until then, we are on a goose chase to find a new formula too - called pregestimil. It is manufactured by Enfamil, but is not widely stocked in retail stores; so we are off to Painesville soon. It is just like the Nutramigen we were on (predigested) but contains a different type of fat, a triglyceride, that is easier to digest for some babies. Weird to be wanting to give a triglyceride, we thought those were the bad ones!! Oh well, if it helps who cares.

Nate on the other hand is doing great. He had quite a haul from Santa including the "upside down crash" race track, a firehouse, new tool box like daddy, real tools for his tool box, a TRAIN TABLE which we set up downstairs and lots more. With family gifts added, we think that we may need to seriously consider adding a toy wing to the house. Contributions to the college fund were also in abundance, and who could complain about that?? :) Thanks to everyone for a happy holiday, and we hope that the New Year rings in with the quieted tones of a sleepy, pain free baby...........

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