Saturday, October 27, 2007

Almost 36...

Our appointment on Thursday went well. Got a flu shot to boot, and it wasn't even in the boot! Hooray. Get the last, yes LAST, P-17 shot in the old tooshie on Tuesday this week. Yee haw.

I would like you all to be thinking of our friends the Kraska Family as they go in to be induced this week.They lost their son Henry two years ago and have been so very helpful and wonderful, we just can't hope and pray enough that their little one is safely delivered into their arms on Tuesday. We will be waiting on pins and needles to hear.

I am posting a couple pics of me; of course the biggest belly one is the most recent. Things are starting to get more painful now, so I am getting less and less ambitious. Nate has been great and the weather is kind of helping out right now too. Fall has arrived!! I just hope winter stays away for quite a while.

Mike has the carpet out of the baby's room and it is starting to look really nice in there. My only hope is really to get the closet organized before the baby comes home. That way all his/her neccessities will be right there ready to go. This week we have an ultrasound on Thursday to attempt to predict this baby's size; Nate was 8LB 11ounces and a very difficult delivery. I am hoping that Dr. Judge will be merciful and allow an earlier induction if this baby's size is comparable. That's about all from our camp, just hoping to hang out until the cerclage comes out. :) Thanks for following our crazy tale.....hopefully a happy ending is just around the corner, or at the end of a rainbow?

Monday, October 22, 2007

35 WEEKS!!!

Holy moley, we are 35 weeks! Of course when you see me this is obvious, but honestly each passing week seems like a blur. We actually went shopping and bought some baby supplies we do not have from Nate's infant days and it was a little fun. Mike is working hard on getting the carpet out of baby's room and then I guess we are as ready as we can be. The nursery will be officially finished after baby comes home, that way I can paint and and customize what is already done. I just don't want to jeopardize anything now!
So happy 35W!!!! Hopefully Thursday's appoinment will be pleasant.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

34 Weeks

Well today we are 34W 6D! Monday will be 35 W and we can't believe it. Dr. Judge said all still looks well with the cerclage and my size is perfect. We scheduled another "quick" prenatal for next week and then an ultrasound for 36 W where they will give us an estimate on size and check the placenta ect. Then, the Monday we turn 37 W the cerclage will come out. Orignally we had expected it to be removed at 36W 5D but Dr. J will be out of town until the following Monday. She gave us the option of having it out at 35W 5D but we decided that we are more comfortable with 37W. That gives this little one's lungs an extra week to mature in case labor would set in - which I am not thinking it will. I am sure that even after all the pokes, prods, kicks and cerclage pinches (ouch!) this little one will have to be evicted at some point. Dr. Judge said she would not let us go past 40 W - something I am very thankful for! Not only am I already big as a barn but going later into pregnancy also gives the placenta extra work it was not really designed for and it could begin to deteriorate. So, anytime after the cerclage comes out would be, um, lovely.
Nate has been such a big helper getting things cleaned up and fixed for the baby. He helped get the car seat, mobile and some toys set. He talks about all of the things he will be able to help the baby do and learn so we think that maybe he is getting ready for this little one to come home too. We just hope he doesn't feel like we have less love for him, so we will be working hard to be sure he feels extra included. He is still loving school and is sad on the days he does not go! So, we still feel very happy with our choice. We have even met two, count them, two little boys in his class who live in our neighborhood. Amazing; after all this time of looking for some nice boys to play with, they are literally in our back yard. So, that's it until next week - grow baby grow!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pregnancy Loss Preemie Loss and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Pregnancy loss, preemie loss and infant loss remembrance day was created to provide support, awareness and education for those who have experienced miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, a preemie loss, stillbirth or the loss of an infant.

On October 15th everyone is invited to light a candle at 7:00 pm andkeep it burning for at least an hour so that there will be a continuous wave of light over the entire world on this special day.

Some ideas for the 15th of October

*Light a candle and display it in your window

*Leave porch lights on

*Contact your local radio station and request that they publicly announce the day.

*Sponsor a candle light ceremony in your local park or church

*Release a balloon with your child's name or picture

*Release butterflies or doves

For further information on this international day of remembrance please go to the official website at

We would love it if family would light their candles for Max so he can look down from heaven and see how many of his surviving relatives are keeping his memory close to heart. Thank you!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Jen's Birthday Wishes......

I guess we all know what Jen really wants for her birthday, to still be healthily pregnant, but here are some things she has shown interest in

New mommy clothing -
1. stretchy soft pants and fun coordinating shirts for the hospital and when she and the baby come home. She likes the soft microfiber stuff (in the pajama stuff usually). A size Medium should do the trick.

2. jogging outfits (pants and zip tops) great for new mommy wear too.

3. a casserole or something to put in the freezer for after baby comes home.

4. To go out with Mike!!

Seems to be a theme here......

So far, we are still trucking right along at 33 weeks with this little one! Lots of movement from the peanut gallery. Keep your fingers crossed.....

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Playschool Days

Nate has started what we are calling playschool! He is so happy and excited about it. We were able to visit the class together on Monday, 10/1, and he started on his own on Tuesday. He has been enjoying being with the kids and playing with the new toys. Wednesday was Gym Day and he was thrilled by all of the wonderful gross motor toys and activities they did. He is literally bursting when the school day is over and he rushes to greet me. He is possibly the sweetest little big boy ever. I ask him if he had fun after he describes his day and he says, "Yes mommy but I missed you!!" I think that is probably one of the best things I have ever heard. I always say, "I missed you too but I am always right here when you are all done and it's time to come home." I know we made the right choice for a school too based on how happy he is to return for more. He has a school book bag, a place to put his bag and jacket and so many big boy things to do. He attends three days a week for around two hours each day. Just enough to get his feet wet and help him adjust socially. Academically he knows all of his big and little letters, can identify many numbers and understands a little about quantities, is understanding patterns and can create his own, is rhyming, and beginning to write out the alphabet. He can spell his name and read it in print. I am so proud of my little boy, he is learning so quickly and so eager to keep going. Mike and I both have the same goal for him, and that is to be happy. So far, we seem to be helping him reach that goal.

32 Weeks.....

On Monday we reached the 32 week mark, hooray! Today, Oct 4, we saw Dr. Judge for a check up. She said all is still looking just fine. If the baby were born now, he or she would have full term survival rates, and that sounded lovely to us. The risk of cerebal palsy is also reducing as we reach the later weeks of the third trimester too. For the first time it felt nice to talk with my mom about some of the things we will need to buy for this baby to come home, though we won't really go on a "shopping spree" until we reach 34 weeks.
We will be given a cerclage removal date at our next appointment, at 34 W, and then we just wait to see what happens. The last shipment of P-17 injections arrived today and that in itself is like a little party, only four more shots! I think Mike is as happy about that as I am, though he has been such a trooper about giving them. He has been so incredible - basically taking over the laundry and doing tons of work on the house to keep things running. Luckily, I have been able to help out a little more in the past weeks. I hope this trend keeps up, he does so much and I appreciate it all, but I feel so helpless and like I cannot take care of my little family. I think we both know it will all pay off when we meet this new little one, now in a matter of weeks. :) So, keep on counting up with us as we get closer and closer to Nate and Max's little brother/sister's debut.