Thursday, September 20, 2007

30 Weeks and Counting....

On Monday we made it to 30 weeks! Incredible! We're noto out of the old woods, but it is unbelievable to be able to say we are 30W along. My belly may say more, but that just means my little one is growing stronger and bigger - we all know Nate was 8Lbs 11Ou and 21 and 1/4 inches, Max (2LBs 1OU) was on pace to equal his brother and this little one is definitely in the running too (at 3LBs 2Ou at 28W). So now the aches and pains are setting - but aside from the constant nightly cramping - they are "normal" for pregnancy. No one said pregnancy was fun overall, it is just a different journey for each person. I will take the big abdomen, shots, cramps and all the aches to bring this little one home, it is nothing to pay for the joy he / she will bring to our home.
Hooray, we have our transport and post cerclage team assembled and ready to wisk us off to the hospital as soon as labor sets in. This was a very scary thing in my mind - with Nate my labor was 15 hours plus 2 hours of just pushing. With Max, labor was non-existant and pressure/contractions literally began when he was plus two or on the way through a dialated cervix. So, having someone there to get me to the hospital at a moments notice seemed a wise thing to do. It seemed especially wise after our MFM said, "Have the transport arranged." She is a no frills, straight forward doctor - which is why we liked her anyway - and for her to say that speaks for itself. I could labor for a long time, but maybe not......I'd kind of like a shot at an epidural.......and the option of having the baby at the hospital instead of on the way! So big, humoungous thank yous to Gram and Grampa Z and Neena and Papa for being able to come to visit until basically this little one decides to come. We also know that Dr. J will be able to be there when this little one does come into the world, and we are very happy to hear that she wants to be there for the birth. It feels like a big circle will come to a close in a was funny becasue she said something about number four today........we said, ummmmmm not so sure about that! :) Without her firm guidance we would have lost our minds by now.....not to mention Laurel our nurse who has talked me down on more than one occasion. We cannot say enough about the care we have received and what a blessing it is to have UH so close by.
So 30 weeks and counting.....each day. Thankful for each kick and rotation from within, and still hoping for the miracle to come screaming into our arms at the end of the rainbow.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Turning Four....

Today is Nate's big day, and as of an hour ago he is truly four! Amazing. Thanks to all of our family who was able to attend his celebration on Sunday, he had so much fun seeing all the "Neena's and all the Papas!" He also really enjoyed his special morning with Uncle Jeffy and Grammy. Today, mommy and Nate had fun playing with all of the new toys, at the Dragon Park and having special lunch together. Then when Nate went to nap, mommy began calling preschools for next year. So, Nate will attend formal preschool next fall (2008-2009) and then kindegarten 2009-2010. We feel his late birthday and giving him one more year to mature and enjoy being a big "little boy" will be good for him. So entering kindegarten he will be five going on six instead of four going on five. Just a little update on our earth angel and what is going on in his world. Now that Daddy and Nate's birthdays are over, he understands that Mommy's will be next (ok - so Uncle Tom's, Neena's, Papa D and Grammy S' come before) and then the baby will be born!!! He has been more cognizant of the baby lately, kissing the belly and receiting when the baby will, "come out." He still has no real preference for a sister or a brother.
One final tidbit on Tater - yesterday after everyone had left Nate said he wanted to send the rest of his balloons to Max in heaven, including his special Thomas balloon. We told him if he sent them, they would not come back and he said, "That's o.k. I will send them to Max because I can play with all my toys here." We thought that was a pretty thoughtful way to include his little brother on his big day, not to mention such a sweet, caring idea and act for our big, little boy. So, he did send his balloons to heaven and mommy and daddy, near tears, cheered him on.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Child of My Heart - Walk to Remember

Today our little family participated in a wonderful event, as noted in the title as the Child of My Heart Walk to Remember. It was created by the Knoop family who lost their little boy, James Bennett, in 2001. We were able to meet Lisa Knoop, James' mommy, this morning and were suprised to find out James was born on July 28th as well. It was sort of a, "can you say that again?" moment, since Max and James share the same birthday - different years of course. The walk started at the Museum of Natural History with a quick overview of "why we were there" and an introduction to the Knoop Foundation's mission and new web site. The Knoop Foundation provides materials to UH's NICU such as preemie clothing, blankets, and materials for bereavement. So, we have benefitted from the foundation immensely. When we lost Max they provided most of the things we were able to take home as rememberances of him as well as the book, "Empty Cradle, Broken Heart." It was wonderful to meet this woman who through such pain was able to create such a wonderful, giving organization in memory of her son.

One of the things that struck us as she spoke was her stating how people didn't want her to talk about her son, to mention his name because they really just didn't know how to deal with such a loss. We have noticed how this is very true, and hope people know that it is not to make our family/friends uncomfortable but to help our little one live on. Today was a gift from the Knoop Foundation dedicated to helping families do just that. After the presentation we went outside to a notes-to-heaven balloon release, like at Max's party, and then walked a mile around University Circle. We all received t-shirts too - it was really sad and inspirational at the same time to see all of those shirts walking together to remember so many lost little ones.
It is our hope to return to the walk next year with more family and friends. Max will always be a member of our family, our new miracle can never take his place or heal our hearts. We hope that many of you will look forward to the invitation to the walk and future "To the Max" parties to help us keep his memory alive in a fun, positive way. To visit the Knoop Foundation, see

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nate's Turning FOUR!

We can't believe it - our little boy is turning four a couple weeks. We will be having a family party for him on September 16th from 1:00 - whenever. Again it will be casual grill out food. He is so excited!! He has already requested his real birthday dinner - Alfredo pasta and strawberries and pineapple! So funny! He has asked that his cake be Gordon this year, from Thomas the Tank Engine, because Gordon is the big number four engine. When I asked him, he gave quite a bit of thought before answering, and I thought that was a pretty big boy idea. Some things he has shown interest in for gifts include:
new Clifford books (or any books really)
the Little Einsteins jet plane
Troublesome Trucks that giggle - think these are the wooden ones
Cool tools - he has lots of screw drivers, wrenches, nuts, bolts...think he is talking saws ect.
Soccer Goal

He has also been enjoying:
Dinosaurs, Lightning McQueen, rocket ships.....generally big boy things to do.

We can't wait for his party - in some ways, and we could wait forever in others. It doesn't seem possible that he is four already. Time to start playschool, then preschool next year and finally the big K - kindegarten. Can mommy's heart take it?? It will have to because Nate shows no signs of it should be. Hope to see you at the party!

28 Week Check Up

We had an ultrasound today to check out how baby was growing and how the cerclage was holding up. All looked good! My cervix is a little shorter than they would like, but it hasn't changed from last month - 2.4mm. So I was really happy to see that. Baby's brain and heart are, "as good as it gets." Placenta is working quite well and baby Dell now weighs 3 pounds 2 ounces!!!! Sooooo, now we just keep doing what we're doing to keep baby growing and comfy until hopefully November. We see Dr. J in two weeks for a prenatal check, and by then we will hopefully be 30 weeks along!!! Wow! We talked a little about induction on our last visit, and Dr. J said I would be a good candidate having had two successful vaginal births - it all depends on the cervix and baby's position. So, at least we can "think" about it. With how quickly Max arrived - my cervix dialated almost painlessly with Max as opposed to a regular painful labor with Nate - she said it was a good idea to have a transport plan ready. Since Mike can't drive that is a little worrisome, and if it happened in the day most family are not so close or working. By the time I was in pain with Max he was already plus two and ready to be pushed out, so it really is pretty logical to hope for an induction with this little one. But that is thinking pretty far ahead. All I am looking for is to make 30 weeks now! Grow little one, grow!!